Maybe you're wondering why people aren't noticing your creative work like you want them to. Here are two things you might be doing that are preventing that from happening.
A Keynote on Creative Thinking
Here's a talk I gave on the power of creative thinking. It's a tool that can help us thrive in every environment. Whether it's in your relationships, your work, or your daily life. Let's think creatively.
5 Things Every Artist Should Be Doing
Sometimes, it's hard to know where to start when it comes to going to the next level with your creative career. Here are 5 practical things that can help!
A Conversation with Photographer, Patrick Chin
"Should I make creativity my career?" "What's up with free work? Good thing or bad thing?" We talk lots of practicals with Photographer Patrick Chin about what it even means to have a full time creative career.
Enduring Freelance Life PLUS Interview with Jacob Yandura
What does it mean to be a freelancer? What should I expect? How might it look? We all have answers to how we think freelance life "should" look. But it often looks quite different. Here are some tips on how to endure. AND we go deeper into the concept in an interview with Broadway Composer, Jacob Yandura.
We Gotta Stay Healthy
We talk a lot about success on this podcast. But success will never make us whole. As we make creativity our career, we have to remain committed to being holistically healthy. Today's talk is important. Let's have it.
Face Your Fear Head On
There's so much opportunity for fear in the creative process. But fear is our enemy. What do we do with fear? How do we press through it and find freedom on the other side? All of that and an interview with pro photographer, Luke Tevebaugh.
How To Transform Culture With Your Art
Artists and entrepreneurs, more than anyone, have the ability to transform culture. What are you doing with your platform? What are the things you care about? And how can you affect change?
The 4 Essentials for Artistic Growth
Athletes have clearly defined goals as the progress. Artists, not so much so. But the principles of growth apply to us all. Learn to implement these 4 concepts into your live and workflow, and they're sure to get you on your way to a creative career.
Virality Kills. Engage Everyday.
Learn a lesson from the mistake of the Dollar Shave Club. They scored with a viral video when they started their company, but they've missed the boat in building an audience who cares. Being an artist means building an audience. Here's what we have to keep in mind.
How To Get Paiiiiiiid!
Making your creativity your career means one thing... getting paid. How does that even happen? That's what we talk about on this week's episode.
Produce. Produce. Produce
Too many of us are waiting on perfection. Some of us are waiting on permission. But RESPECT FOLLOWS RELEASE. It's time to up the output!
The Audience : The Most Important Part of Every Artist's Career
The thing that separates hobbyists from career artists : an audience. In this episode we talk about three parts of your audience and what you can proactively to build each segment of it.
Embracing the Tension of Sensitivity and Grit
Being an artist means being sensitive to what's going on internally and in the world around you. At the same time being a successful artist means embracing things that we don't always feel like doing. In this episode, we explore how embracing the tension between sensitivity and grit helps us succeed.
Mr. Fish : A real life case study of the tragedy of the changing media landscape
Mr. Fish is a political cartoonist. He's incredibly talented, and the documentary about his life and work leads us to believe that the changing media landscape is killing his career. But I think we're sitting in the most opportune time in history for artists like Mr. Fish, you, and me! We just have to start thinking differently!
Rethink "Networking"
It can seem gross... going to build a relationship with another person in the hopes you'll get something out of them. But there's a better way to look at "networking." The truth is, you can only do so much on your own. You need other people. So learn how to do it better.
Artists Have To Be Honest With the Question, "What do I want?"
We live for what others want. Maybe we live asking what's important for society. But if we're going to have a career in art, we have to first be honest with the question, "What do I want?"
Are "Inspiration" and "Excitement" Helping Or Hurting You?
Both Inspiration and Excitement are beautiful gifts. But if they aren't positioned properly, they begin to prevent us from being all we can be creatively. In this episode, we look at what Inspiration and Excitement are and the role they're meant to play in our creative lives.
Process Is Everything
We want it all now, right?! In this episode we talk about the importance of process. Thinking about the next ten years might seem overwhelming. But being a successful artist or entrepreneur means sticking it out over time.
4 Signs You're Moving From Being a Hobbyist To Making Your Passion Your Career
It's okay to keep your passion a hobby, but if you're ready to take things to the next level, you have to be doing some work. In this episode, we look at 4 things you can be doing to develop your creative pursuit into what you dream it can be.